Ungrounded Much?
If you have been seeking to have a greater connection with Earth, but you have always had the feeling that this connection is obstructed somehow, then it may not actually be your fault. Outside interference from the surrounding world can often change your vibrations in a manner which inhibits such connection.
This can lead to a general feeling of disconnect with the Earth. You might note that I do no say “world” or the “world we live in”. "The World" can actually be quite contrary and disconnected from the planet on which we live! There is a fundamental difference between the Earth and “The World”, and connection to “The World” may simply leave you exhausted, unsatisfied, and looking for something different.
That being said, identifying and working through those obstructions is something you may find to be worthwhile. In doing so, you may find that a greater connection to the Earth can cause many of your perspectives and modes of though, which you may feel are set in stone. It could be said that the stone itself that is the least static of Earth’s inhabitant when the time frame is extended long enough.
So, if you think you’re good, then great. But there may be some ways of synching up better with the planet you are a fundamental element of. One way is developing a relationship with “Spirit Plants.”